Mountain Shaggy Pea

Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Podolobium
Species: alpestre
Main Flower Colour: Yellow


This spreading shrub is common in alpine and subalpine areas in Vic, NSW and the ACT. It is showy when in flower over the summer months. The leaves are oblong to elliptical, 2 to 4cm long, with a leathery texture and short sharp tip. They are opposite or sometimes in whorls of 3 along the stem. The pea shaped flowers are bright yellow and red, and are found massed at the end of the branches.


The main flower colour is yellow. Previously named as Oxylobium alpestre. The species was transferred to the genus Podolobium in 1995


Above the Cotter by Ian Fraser and Margaret McJennett

A Fieldguide to Native Peaflowers by Dorothy Woolcock
Views (per week)25


Bio Regions

South Eastern Highlands (SEH)

Region Specifics

Brindabella Ranges, ACT/NSW

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