Grass Trigger Plant

Family: Stylidiaceae
Genus: Stylidium
Species: graminifolium
Main Flower Colour: Pink


Trigger plants have a fascinating pollination mechanism where the the long reddish "trigger" is stimulated by a foraging insect to flip across the flower and dump pollen on the back of the insect. Gently tickling the centre of a flower with a piece of grass can often set the trigger off.
The plants are a perennial herb with a thick tuft of leaves, giving the whole plant a grass-like appearance, hence the species name of graminifolium. They are a common summer flowering species in forest habitats at all elevations.

Flowering start in November and ends in January.


The main flower colour is pink.


Flora of the ACT. Burbidge and Gray
Views (per week)31


Bio Regions

South Eastern Highlands (SEH)

Region Specifics

Brindabella Ranges, ACT/NSW

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