Mount Gason Wattle

Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Acacia
Species: pickardii
Main Flower Colour: Yellow


Acacia pickardii is a shrub or small tree 3-5 m
high. The stipules are spinose and the
inflorescence globular. It is distinguished within
the A. victoriae group by its sharp cylindrical
foliage (phyllodes).
Galls, produced by thrips, are common on the
leaves of this species. These can be confused
as fruit by inexperienced observers.
Flowering: August-November.
Fruiting is very rare and the species reproduces
mainly by root suckering.

Flowering start in August and ends in November.


The main flower colour is yellow. For full details, please refer to my Blog below

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Mount Gason, Birdsviile Track

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