Rough-leaved Ghost Gum

Family: Myrtaceae
Genus: Eucalyptus
Species: aspera
Main Flower Colour: White


Smooth white bark and rough almost sandpaper-textured leaves are distinctive features of this beautiful tree of desert areas. The mature crown of these trees is made up of juvenile-type leaves that are opposite, sessile and quite scabrid or rough in texture. Buds, flowers or fruits were not seen.

Flowering start in November and ends in December.


The main flower colour is white. Also known as Corymbia aspera. Brooker and Kleinig gives the location for E. aspera as extending across the Great Sandy Desert, although Florabase (and EUCLID) suggest the species extends eastwards from about Halls Creek. Corymbia candida is cited as the only other species that could be confused with C. aspera, and while it is said to be found in the GSD its habit is a weeping form, which is not the case with this tree. On balance I think these trees from the CSR are E. (orC.) aspera.


Field Guide to Eucalypts. Vol 3. Brooker and Kleinig
Views (per week)36


Bio Regions

Great Sandy Desert (GSD)

Region Specifics

Well 31 and Well 38 Canning Stock Route.

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