Anemone Stinkhorn or Starfish Fungus

Family: Phallaceae
Genus: Aseroe
Species: rubra
Main Flower Colour: Other


This weird looking "thing" is a native fungus that rots down litter on the forest floor. A globular egg-like structure on the soil gives rise to a large fleshy tube, up to 100 x 30 mm. The tube ends in a horizontal ring, up to 120 mm in diameter, of bright red "tentacles", arranged in up to 10 pairs. In the centre is an annulus of sticky dark brown slime that contains the spores. The slime has a faecal or sewage odour to attract flies for spore dispersal.


The main flower colour is other. A red starfish shape accompanied by unpleasant odour.

Views (per week)31


Bio Regions

South Eastern Highlands (SEH)

Region Specifics

Brindabella Ranges, NSW

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