
Family: Myrtaceae
Genus: Kunzea
Species: pomifera
Main Flower Colour: White


Kunzea pomifera

Some known Aboriginal names:Munta, ngerp, nurp, nurt (Boanditj), Mantirri (Kaurna).
Manter (Ngaiawang), Mantari (Ramindjeri), Mantar (Jaril)

Common names Munterberry, Muntries, Munthries, Emu Apples, Native Cranberries

Kunzea pomifera is a woody ground cover occurring in the wild in western Victoria and SA. It was an important food plant for the local Aboriginal people. They dried or baked surplus fruit into cakes to eat during the winter months. They also traded the fruit for important tools with neighbouring tribes. The plants produce fluffy white flowers in spring, followed by berries in Feb-March. They should start producing berries three years after planting. Berries may remain green but still be ripe. If left too long, the berries become unpalatable.

Flowering start in August and ends in October.


The main flower colour is white.

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Bio Regions

Kanmantoo (KAN)

Region Specifics

Kangaroo Island

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