Resurrection Plant

Family: Boryaceae
Genus: Borya
Species: constricta
Main Flower Colour: White


Just what this plant looks like will depend on weather conditions and time of year. In dry conditions it will appear to be brown and almost dead - after rain it "resurrects" itself as the leaves turn a deep green. Colour aside, this small perennial herb has an erect or reclining habit, with tufted rigid linear leaves. The whole plant only grows to about 20cm high. The small white flowers are in a 1cm flowerhead atop a short stalk.

Resurrection plant is commonly found growing in sandy or gravelly places and on granite outcrops.

Flowering start in July and ends in October.


The main flower colour is white. The genus Borya is endemic to Australia.

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Bio Regions

Geraldton Sandplains (GES), Avon Wheatbelt (AVW), Mallee (MAL), Esperance Plains (ESP)

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