Large Fruited Mallee

Family: Myrtaceae
Genus: Eucalyptus
Species: youngiana
Main Flower Colour: White


An aptly named Mallee with very large fruit (gumnuts). Although the mallee itself is not large - growing only a few metres in height - it has plenty of other "large" characteristics. There are big leathery leaves, large buds 2cm across and big flattened gumnuts 5-6cm across. Flowers vary in colour from cream through pink to red. Widely distributed in desert areas.

Flowering start in July.


The main flower colour is white. Large size of buds, flowers and gumnuts. Cream, pink or red flowers.

Views (per week)40


Bio Regions

Great Sandy Desert (GSD), Great Victoria Desert (GVD), Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields (SSD)

Region Specifics

Canning Stock Route, northern section

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