Hairpin Banksia

Family: Proteaceae
Genus: Banksia
Species: spinulosa
Main Flower Colour: Orange


Flowers full of nectar are a favourite of birds and insects. A compact shrub to 2m. Leaves with short teeth at the end. Flower spikes up to to 15cm long. Flowers orange with dark coloured style with a hooked end when fully open.

Flowering start in September.


The main flower colour is orange. Dark coloured styles and large flower spike. Leaves with just a few teeth.


Good source of nectar for birds and insects.


Flowers and Plants of NSW and Southern Queensland. Rotherham, Briggs, Blaxell and Carolin.
Views (per week)22


Bio Regions

New England Tablelands (NET)

Region Specifics

Girraween NP, SE Qld.

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