Early Nancy

Family: Colchicaceae
Genus: Wurmbea
Species: dioica
Main Flower Colour: White


Early Nancy announces that spring has arrived on the NSW southern tablelands. A perennial forb to 30cm tall. Leaves alternating up the stem, sometimes the lower two at the base of the plant, with a sheath at the base. Leaves 10-35cm long, 0.2-10mm wide, threadlike or linear to flat, hairless, tapering to a long threadlike point. Male and female flowers often on separate plants, or male, female, and bisexual flowers on the one plant. Flowers slightly scented, with 6 'petals', white with a purple band or a purple centre, or greenish or yellowish with a purple or greenish band. Flowers in racemes of 1-11 flowers at the tops of the flowering stems.

Flowering start in September and ends in November.


The main flower colour is white.


Views (per week)30


Bio Regions

South Eastern Highlands (SEH)

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