Cup Velleia

Family: Goodeniaceae
Genus: Velleia
Species: connata
Main Flower Colour: Yellow


An erect herb growing to about 60cm high. Basal leaves oblong in shape 5–20 cm long, to 8 cm wide, margins toothed to lobed, smooth, grey green. Along the upright flowering stem are bracteoles that are fused into a cup, to 6 cm across with a slightly toothed margin.
Flower about 2cm long, yellow-brown. Grows in red sand.

Flowering start in July.


The main flower colour is yellow. Fused bracteoles forming a cup, yellow-brown flowers with 5 petals.


Some species of Velleia are suspected of causing stock poisoning.

References 16 Jul 2014 - Member - John and Val

Views (per week)23


Bio Regions

Tanami (TAN)

Region Specifics

Tanami Track

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