Dead Finish

Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Acacia
Species: tetragonophylla
Main Flower Colour: Yellow


So tough that when everything else is "dead and finished" this acacia will still be hanging in there. Widespread in arid inland areas. A prickly shrub with a straggling, spreading habit. Bright green foliage is rigid and angular ending in a sharp point, 3 or 4 phyllodes clustered together. Each phyllode is about 3cm long. Flower heads bright yellow balls. Seed pods curled or twisted.

Flowering start in May and ends in September.


The main flower colour is yellow. Clusters of 4-angled, very prickly phyllodes, yellow balled flower heads and curly seed pods.


Acacias of Australia Vol. 1. Marion Simmons
Views (per week)26


Bio Regions

Great Victoria Desert (GVD), Channel Country (CHC)

Region Specifics

near Ooldea, SA

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