Mulla Mulla

Family: Amaranthaceae
Genus: Ptilotus
Species: exaltatus
Main Flower Colour: Pink


In drier areas swathes of Mulla Mullas can make a wonderful springtime display after autumn rain. Upright plant to 75cm. Leaves broad and smooth. Conical flower heads held above foliage. Feathery appearance due to bracts surrounding individual small flowers.

Flowering start in July.


The main flower colour is pink. Conical flower spikes, where the flowers are surrounded by feathery bracts.


The broad green leaves are said to make an excellent salad (but I have not tried them).


Wildflowers of Western Australia. Gardner.
Views (per week)39


Bio Regions

Pilbara (PIL), Mount Isa Inlier (MII)

Region Specifics

Marble Bar Road, NE of Newman

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