Mount Langi Ghiran - VIC

Place Satellite Image


DEG: -37.2995 143.11078
DMS: 37º 17' 58.2" S 143º 06' 38.8" E
UTM: 54 H 5869814mN 687081mE
Altitude: 917.63m


Place Type

Geography - Mountain,Peak,Hill,Rocks


173.36kms West of Melbourne
483.89kms SouthEast of Adelaide
716.67kms NorthWest of Hobart

Address & Contact

Langi-ghiran State Park
Victoria 3377
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A


Mount Langi Ghiran is a 15.2km, grade 4 hike located in Langi Ghiran State Park, Victoria. The hike should take around 5 hours to complete.The Langi Ghiran and Mount Gorrin hike commences at the visitors area. Walk via the reservoir where you will join the Easter Creek Track. Follow this track until the trail ends. From here you will commence hiking off-trail in order to gain the summit of Langi Ghiran. The next section of the hike is completely off-trail as you descend from the summit to hidden lagoon in thew valley below. You will need to pick the best path down to the valley. Once you locate hidden lagoon it should be easy to locate the nearby gravel track and follow this back to the start point at the visitors area.Langi Ghiran is a mountain 14 kilometres east of Ararat in Victoria, Australia, and is home to the Djab Wurrung people who have lived on this land for tens of thousands of years. Rugged granite peaks and gentle sloping woodlands are the dominant features of this local landmark. A pleasant walk to the mountain summit presents a view of ancient Red Gums on the surrounding plains skirted by Mount Buangor in the east and the Grampians in the distant west. Lar-ne-jeering (Langi Ghiran) is Djab Wurrung language for 'home of the black cockatoo'.The section between Langi Ghiran and hidden lagoon is mostly off trail. Off track walking is permitted in the park.Langi Ghiran is a beautiful state park that not many people know about. It is a 'hidden gem' that provides many beautiful and wild walks for those who are lucky enough to visit this amazing area.
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Closest Weather Station

Ben Nevis at 26/06:30pm EST
Distance from Mount Langi Ghiran 11.23km NE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Stawell Aerodrome
Distance from Mount Langi Ghiran 41.62km NW
Mean Max. °C29.228.525.220.816.313.312.514.016.619.723.826.3
Mean Min. °C13.513.711.
Mean Rain mm36.933.121.428.334.753.755.756.852.636.945.338.2

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