Waddi Trees Information Bay - QLD

  Tourist Attraction


DEG: -23.0275 139.799896
DMS: 23º 01' 39" S 139º 47' 59.63" E
UTM: 54 K 7452932mN 377030mE
Altitude: 144m


Address & Contact

Diamantina Developmental Road
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A
Web: N/A


One of Australia’s rarest plants, the Waddi Trees (Acacia puece) have spiky, needle-like leaves and thick bark. The Waddi tree piqued early explorer William John Wills’ interest, with some samples of the seeds found buried in his diary after his death. The extreme hardness of Waddi wood was put to a number of uses by the local Aboriginals and European settlers. Now a protected species you can find these trees on the fringe of the Simpson Desert in Queensland and the Northern Territory.

Just a few minutes up the road towards Boulia are some white trunked ghost gums to add the the aboreal action.
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Closest Weather Station

Boulia at 21/09:00am EST
Distance from Waddi Trees Information Bay 16.7km NE
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Boulia Airport
Distance from Waddi Trees Information Bay 16.7km NE
Mean Max. °C38.537.435.431.426.723.322.925.830.234.236.938.6
Mean Min. °C24.524.021.817.
Mean Rain mm48.150.336.713.712.910.

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