Newsletter 371

Edition 371: 30th January 2015.

Hi ExplorOz Reader,

PLB or Sat Phone - What's better?

If you're pondering the merits of taking either a PLB or a Satphone on your next trip, then take the time to read Thread ID 110799 in our Forum for an excellent discussion. Some great input from our experienced Members gives this topic good balance.

Before buying/hiring a SatPhone, make sure you read Handheld Satellite Phone Solutions for Travellers.

Members Bonus: Save $20 off the RescueMe PLB from ExplorOz here

Top Ranked Tyres

Seems that tyres are the top ranked topic of interest to ExplorOz visitors! This Tyre Size Calculator was the highest viewed content page on ExplorOz for the whole of 2014 but it is also trending as the 3rd top entry page to the site. Don't miss it!


Featuring Topo 200K - the highest detail available for an Australia-wide topographic map. Includes minor roads and tracks and extensive topographic detail throughout Australia's remote areas and deserts, Vic High Country and everywhere in between. Useful POIs that are important to 4WDrivers and adventurers such as verified bush camps and roadhouses, plus distances markers on highways. You won't buy better and you'll never have to fork out full-price again to get a new version when it's updated. Get EOTopo on micro SD, USB, or download the files yourself. Also available in Memory-Map.

Find which version is right for you - EOTopo FAQ
Download maps (including free) - EOTopo Downloads Page
Full Product Description - EOTopo Description
Use EOTopo maps for free - EOTopo Online
Buy EOTopo - Go to Digital Maps - Australia wide in the ExplorOz Shop

Summer/Autumn Top 20 Collection

We know you love to get away and make your own fun and the good news is the best of summer is yet to come. Here's an inspirational list of maps and books to summer destinations and other useful accessories available now from the ExplorOz shop.

ExplorOz Summer/Autumn Collection

This Week's Super Specials


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