Gulf Country Day 60 - Kurumba to Lawn Hill

Monday, Sep 21, 1998 at 00:00

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Today David and I set off fairly early (9am) for a walk to the Island Stack which is the highest peak in the area. The walk was a steep rock climb and I was amazed that I made it to the top before David. However, once at the top with the sun bearing down on us I lagged behind as we completed a 1.7km circuit track that took us to various lookout points of spectacular views of the gorge below. On the return journey down the stack we took a detour to the Cascades which are small rapids and had a quick dip to cool down and refilled our water bottle. We returned to our camp about 2 hours later and headed straight back into the gorge. We were having such a wonderful time at Lawn Hill that we enquired at the Ranger Station if we could stay another night. Although it was school holidays and they were in fact booked out from Wednesday to Saturday they allowed us to stay put for one more night. We planned to go canoeing up the gorge another time.In the afternoon I pulled out our game of Mahjong that we haven't used yet and together Ken, Irene, David and I got the rules sorted and even started scoring our games. We had a lot of fun.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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