Day 15 Eucla to Breakaways

Saturday, Aug 17, 2013 at 19:00

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

It wasn't such a bad camp in the rest area but it was cold. The best part was shifting to WA time & getting a 6:30am camp departure!

We'd calculated our fuel up at Nullarbor to be just sufficient to reach cheaper fuel at Mundrabilla, so we had a long stop there to freshen up, airup, & fuel up. Surprisingly, there was NO air so we had to use our own, which was just slower.

Other than a few stops for recording POIs for Places, we keep on until Caiguna & ordered 4 burgers with the lot (awesome!). The store had a few quirky items but I hurt myself (Michelle) by touching a black nozzle/button on top of a retro bowser-style CD stand that looked like a juke-box - I was zapped on the finger by a full 240volts that shook my arm & down my leg (rubber soled boots). I was ok but I have a sore finger. David insisted they put tape over it. When he looked closer, It was actually a bayonet light fitting with no bulb but to me it looked like a button that if pressed would start music!!

Although we could have enjoyed our first shower for over 8 days, the $5 charge & time wasn't worth it when we expect to be home in 2 days.

Next stop was Norseman for more fuel & coffee & although the weather was starting to close in & likely to rain we took the dirt route to Hyden because it saves about 90km & is such a good road you can do highway speeds but without the trucks & traffic. It was 6pm & dark when we pulled into camp at the Breakaways and a light drizzle had started. David was prepared to drive home for another 5 hours rather than contend with getting wet gear on our last day but some subtle female sensibility quickly put an end to that notion ;)

By the time the fire was on & dinner made the sky had cleared & stars were out. It's a beautiful spot to camp amongst the colourful rocks & stringy barks. A great last camp with bitza everything for dinner - smoked salmon, tzatziki dip, gerkins & cruskits. Even some castello blue vein cheese! 2 minute Noodles with ABC sauce for Chardae though.

This is a strangely quiet place. We saw no wildlife at dusk, and heard no birds, no crickets, no sound at all overnight.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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