Simpson Desert Day 1

Tuesday, Aug 24, 1999 at 00:00

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Our Simpson Desert jaunt started in the west at Dalhousie Springs and headed east across a combination of the French Line, Rig Road, Colson Track, Erabena Track, WAA Line, Knolls Track, K1 Line, QAA Line and finally over Big Red to Birdsville.

We travelled many kilometres to get from our camp at Algebuckinna Bridge just south of Oodnadatta to Dalhousie today because we went via Mt Dare to get fuel ...but finally we feel as if we are in the real desert.

Our first thoughts on seeing Dalhousie Springs was absolute shock at how many vehicles seemed to be either starting or ending a desert crossing today. We had arrived right on dusk and although the atmosphere was magic it was spoiled by the 50 or so 4WDs crammed into a maze of sectioned-off camp sites. We were totally unprepared to find so many people that we didn't attempt any socialisation and kept to ourselves in the hope that no one would approach us. We needn't have worried - the attack of mossies kept most people in their tents or vehicles all night. I must say I have never encountered such ferocious bities and literally could not sit outside for even a minute.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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