New Life Day 12 - Sydney to Cairns

Tuesday, Aug 04, 1998 at 10:32

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Today’s the day we begin our trip to Cape York with the TLCC club. The meeting place is way out of town on the Captain Cook drive opposite the airport past Port Douglas.

We were the first car to leave the camping ground. We put our trailer into storage out the back paddock of the grounds and put my sailboard in the back office. Thinking we were finally ready we pulled into a servo to refuel the gas bottle and as I went to pay for it I discovered to my utter disbelief that my visa card was not in my wallet! Panic, drama, return to the trailer – thinking it was in the camera bag from the Whitsunday day trip, only to find it was in my wallet after all only in a different place. We were late – we arrived at the meeting place 45mins late and were fined. Continue reading the sections title "Cape York Expedition".
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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