Cape York Day 20 - Weipa to Seisa

Wednesday, Aug 12, 1998 at 16:37

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

(Jan and Dave Marsh)
We left the Weipa camping ground reasonably early at 8.30am bound for Pennefather. After a lengthy beach run along white sand and tropical aqua waters we came to a magnificent beach camp where we intended to stay. Collyn spoke to the Park Ranger and discovered that the fees charged by the locals were ridiculous and the consensus of the group was to move on to another camp. After a couple of diversions we found the road to Stones Crossing – after a roadside lunch stop at 2.30pm. Although it had been requested that the first priority today should be a decent happy hour, by the time we arrived we were all hot and dusty and the sight of running fresh water enticed us all in for a refreshing swim in the Wenlock River. Although this seemed a likely spot for crocodiles David Martin persisted with his fishing obsession and finally caught a nice size barra which, after numerous photos, was devoured by he and Michelle and leftovers offered to the whole camp.

Happy hour resumed again after dinner and although we kept to our new "curfew" of 10pm Dave Marsh still managed to show his white bum to Thelma. Thelma was also intrigued by Bill’s see-through cossie. The night ended at 9.35pm when Dave pulled down Bill’s pants to reveal all.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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