Cape York Day 18 - Cairns to Weipa

Monday, Aug 10, 1998 at 15:45

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

(Thelma and Jeff Webster)

We left Kalpower station on time travelling along Lakefield Road and were able to travel at 80km per hour because the road conditions were good. Due to a navigational error we missed the Musgrave turnoff and went via Laura then joined the Development Road to Musgrave where we had morning tea and refueled. We continued towards Archer River however were delayed whilst David Marsh in the 60 series had to change a punctured tyre. Finally we arrived at the famous Archer River Roadhouse for lunch where the majority ordered hamburgers which apparently were excellent and the usual trip members couldn’t resist a cold beer. After lunch we headed off along a good stretch of open gravel road complete with the mandatory Cape corrugations. We arrived at Weipa without incident and all took advantage of the following lay day to wash clothes and have long hot showers.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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