Peterborough - Sydney - Day 6

Thursday, Dec 23, 2004 at 11:19

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Not happy!#%* I had a terrible time trying to get the kids to bed last night. Chardae was screaming as I tried to put Leah to bed and soon I had both kids crying in chorus and I felt like I was all alone in the world. David had fallen fast asleep (not even an earthquake can wake him once he's down) and the silence of the still summer night with no sign of other campers was in stark contrast to the wail of our children's cries. Although Leah settled eventually, it was Chardae who gave me the trouble. From 9pm - 1am she screamed, and although I kept trying to use "control crying" techniques (ever tried this in the bush?) I had to give up on that approach. It's a bit difficult in our situation to share the bedding, so I gave up my double swag to David and went into the tent where I lay on the floor without a pillow or a mattress. I vaguely remember at some point a few hours later placing Chardae's cot mattress on the floor beside me and holding her close to me until morning. All I can assume is that this was caused from a combination of teething and hunger, as I am slowly weaning and not sure of exactly how much formula she needs yet.

So, we departed late at 9am and put in another day on east-bound dirt tracks from Menindee - Ivanhoe - Hillston - Ranking Springs - West Wyalong and were blasted by locusts the entire day. When we finally stopped in Cowra I asked for a caravan park and a meal in a restaurant. I'm going soft, I've been told.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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