West Coast Day 151 - Kalbarri to Perth

Sunday, Dec 20, 1998 at 01:00

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

We woke this morning to a calm day for the first time since being in Cervantes. Our windsurfing gear is always packed and ready to go before we go to sleep so all we had to do was eat breakfast and drive to the sailing site no more than 2km away. By the time we pulled into the carpark however the wind was already picking up at 9am. It was still too light for me to go out on my biggest sail so we rigged David's biggest sail. Just as he hit the water the wind whipped up and he needed to return to shore to re-rig a smaller sail - that's the way it goes with sailing! Within 15minutes I was rigging my 4.5m2 sail and I was the first non-beginner to hit the water. We blasted away in 20 - 25knot winds for 2 hours until we were so exhausted we could barely lift a water bottle to our lips. The highlight of David's day was that he pulled off a number of beach starts and stayed on the board for a few good long runs and even managed to deep beach start in water up to his underarms to return back to shore. He has been a very quick learner and we are talking now of trading in his beginners board (affectionately called "Wally") for a high volume, smaller, lighter and faster board. The highlight of my day was falling off besides a seal in the water about 300m from shore. I saw his little head just as I gybed and so I stopped to see what it was. The seal was frolicking about in the weed about 3 metres from me and when I stopped he came straight over to me like a little puppy wanting a pat. He was cute and playful I could have stayed for ages. He swam around my legs, under my board and sail and teased me by coming almost, but not quite, close enough for me to touch.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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