West Coast Day 149 - Kalbarri to Perth

Friday, Dec 18, 1998 at 01:00

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Neither Dave, Dee, David or I sailed today - we were too sore. We all had callusous, bruises and cuts to rest. David and De, mentioned today that they've never caught a fish! David promised to rectify that problem if they dared come fishing with us tonight. It was incredibly cold and the strong wind bit through to the skin. I don’t have much in the way of winter clothing with me so I layered up in a long sleeved cotton shirt under my spray jacket. I left all my shoes at Neville and Katrina's thinking I wouldn't need anything other than sandals so I wore thick treking socks under my sandals - a really charming look! Despite the fashion statements we had a successful fishing session - Dave caught 7 fish that we kept (6 herring and 1 tailor) and 3 trevally that were undersized. David caught 12 tailor, I caught nothing - I was using the squid jig in the hope of catching squid but didn't catch anything. Dee used a hand line and caught an anchovy, a catfish and a tiny herring. We finished up the evening knowing we had enough food to keep us going until Xmas.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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