West Coast Day 112 - The Hammersley

Wednesday, Nov 11, 1998 at 01:00

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

We headed out today along the Hammersley Iron Railway Service Road to Millstream National Park. The drive was really pretty as it cut through the mountain ranges and we took lots of video footage. We arrived at Millstream NP early in the afternoon and drove the full circuit before choosing to camp at Crossing Pool where we swam in very cool water in a large river right beside our camp. It is difficult to remain affloat for too long in fresh water so David rigged up a rope hanging from a tree for us to hang onto whilst in the water. It was another 40 degree day and the water was very refreshing. I rang Mum that night and learned that our dog Bear had eaten snail pellets and had to go to the vet for an overnight visit. We really hope she is OK.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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