West Coast Day 109 - Pilbara Coast

Sunday, Nov 08, 1998 at 01:00

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

Rob, David and I left the camp ground this morning in the 100 series to check out the so called, best fishing spot - under the bridge. The water here is higher on one side of the bridge than the other and we fished from the low side. We could see plenty of fish but also rocks and after a frustrating hour of snags and disappointing small catches we packed up. Our next attempt at fishing was from the rocks at Honeymoon Cove where we caught small rock cod and more snags. Finally, we decided this was not the best fishing town and returned to collect Dorothy, little David and Jackson for a trip to the beautiful beach of Honeymoon Cove.

The water here was beautifully refreshing but unfortunately David cut his hand and feet whilst swimming when he brushed against rocks covered in oysters. Rob took David back to the camp ground for first aid treatment and returned with his hand bandaged.

For our dinner tonight, David and I went to the Samson's Point Tavern for the seafood platter! Yummy - what a treat! Meanwhile, Dorothy and Rob drove around the area to find a free beach camp spot called Clearverville Beach that we thought might be our next stop. When they returned however, they said there was no shade and that there were signs everywhere stating "Closed to Camping". We have bought a little book for $7 called Free Bush Camps in Northern WA and we are trying to camp in as many of these as we can. Not just to save money, but also because we like to get away from "people" and often the bush camps are the nicest spots.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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