Southern Coastline Day 183 - Rockingham to Esperance

Friday, Jan 22, 1999 at 01:00

ExplorOz - David & Michelle

During the evening we had composed the letter that we would mail to the dive shop and copy to the Chamber of Commerce. We had a bit of banking and shopping to do in town so we printed off a few copies of the letter on our letterhead on the colour printer and then put them in the post.

Finally, with that business resolved we tried to enjoy ourselves at beach. Swimming in the southern ocean around Esperance is usually done in a wetsuit we noticed but we braved it and swam out about 1km to a rocky island where we could see other people enjoying themselves. It was a long cold swim but the amazing thing was that the water was so clear we could see our own shadows on the sand below us.

That evening we cooked a yellow split pea dhal with rice and then packed away the tent and slept in the car. The weather man was wrong, the predicted storm didn't come but the sky was dark and cloudy.
David (DM) & Michelle (MM)
Travelling fulltime in 2024
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