from here to there and back again 1 1

Wednesday, Aug 27, 2014 at 08:37


18th August

Back on the road again, yippee. We had a night at Koala Beach caravan park on way up through the Daintree, beautiful location just a shame that one person is there on there own so things weren’t very clean but a great bloke (and they are only getting it up and running after 7 years of over growth). Stopped in at Cape Tribulation and yet another beautiful spot as is all the Daintree. We headed up the Bloomfield track and what a beauty it was, what an awesome road put in by some mad bastard, but thank god he did, it was beautiful and would recommend it to anyone (with a 4wd). As we were loaded and towing, low range was the go up the massive inclines but we made it and had lunch at the Lions Den Hotel which was great. Big day today, made it to the mouth of Starcke River and set up camp. Good road into here, past the boys doing road works, lots of small creek crossings so not great speed through there. Cape Territory now!

19th August

Wow! What an awesome day, 6 hours to do 75km with a few ass clenching moments. Thank goodness we were on the road early today (new record 8:20am departure) We took the track from Starcke River across to Wakooka and what a track, winding around trees and wash outs, only one close call (well I thought so) with “snoopy” laying over bit thank god Wal knows what he is doing, got my heart pumping anyway. We made it to Old Kalpowar and found a camp spot just out of the Natioal Park (so much for making it to Musgrave).

20th August

Well today is the day we start to head up the telegraph track. Up and away, across the Noramby River through the National Park, roads were good so we made good time to Musgrave. Fueled up and continued on our way to Bramwell Station. Nice spot to stay and listen to a bit of live music. Chatting to people about the track
still not 100% sure if we will be doing it, if we can get through Palm Creek then we shouldn’t have to much more trouble. We’ll go and have a look in the morning and decide, it’s only 4km in. Doing it alone is our only concern.

Diesel $1.83/ lt

21st August

Wwhhoo today is the day, hopefully. Called through Bramwell Road house, quick selfie at the sign then in we go. Found Palm Creek, looks a little scary to me, heart is pounding and we are only having a look, steepish decent, bit of water in the bottom but getting out the other side looks to be rather difficult. Two cars pulled up when we were there (Wal had had quick chat with them at the roadhouse), sigh of relief for me. We watched them go through, they made it no worries but didn’t make me feel any better, they were happy to help us if we needed it so it looks like we are having a go. Heart still pounding flat out, jelly legs but in we go. Slow and steady down the small drop and slide in then hang on, up and out the other side, two front wheels lifting of the ground as we jump up the last bump, Holey Crap I’m bleep ting myself, but we made it, thank god!! ( I think). No turning back now and the other guys are happy to let us tag along with them so that is comforting. The stone stomper is the only casualty, so a quick straighten and hopefully it will hang in there. Arrived at the next crossing and my heart hasn’t even settled down after Palm Creek, slow and steady through kissed the wall on the way out but no damage and still a nervous wreck. The track in between river crossings was good, and the bush is beautiful, lots of telegraph poles still around, haven’t seen to many standing though. Came to the Dullhunty River and what a beautiful spot, small waterfall no crocs so a swim for the kids and just a foot spa for us, lovely. all calm now till the next big crossing, Gunshot, oh great! When we got there our new found friends (Dan & Jac) went down the tough track (one of the them anyway) straight down, but no problem for him down and out, and it was straight down, great driving. Wal and the other vehicle (Russell & Joan) went around another way which was still a challange to get down through a tight squeeze with the trailer the in and out, they made it look easy.I was out trying to capture it on the camera. A few more tough crossings, but all done with ease once a good line had been picked. “Snoopy” had spent a fair bit of the day doing wheel lift after wheel lift, no to scary anymore. Even some that are just marked as a ford were quiet deep and tricky. Made it to Canal creek and set up camp there for the night. What a fantastic spot, crystal clear flowing water and small waterfalls and no crocs so a swim is on the cards for all of us, just beautiful and the water is not even that cold, and you can have natural spa, get rid of all that tension from the day. Feeling Great now, lets do it again!
Diesel at Bramwell Road house $2.10/ lt

22nd August

Brekky, Pack up then into Elliot Falls for a look, wow can this place get any better, kids had a swim in a deep hole at the top of the waterfall, then we walked around to twin falls, so yes this place does get better, beautiful doesn’t even come close, so a swim for everyone here. (water is a bit cooler than yesterday) but it was fantastic (wish I could up load photo’s). Feeling refreshed we carried on our journey still having to cross the notorious Nolan’s Brook and the log bridge. Those first 4 crossings are relatively close together they were much the same as the others, lots of wash outs and steep entrances with drops, only had one mishap and had to have a snatch out (doesn’t help when you stall the car) . The log bridge was good only a short crossing and a sharp turn just over the crossing, didn’t seam to creak to much. Now off to Nolan's………..Got there, Heart starts thumping again, on with the water bra, little more air out of the tyres walk through the depths then good to go. First through, Dan, no a problem and the same for Russ. they stayed close to the water in case we needed a snatch out. I’m not in the car but doesn’t make me any less nervous. Off Wal goes nice and easy and bleep it in, you bloody beauty we’ve done it (thanks to our traveling companions) Ready for a celebratory beverage now but had better wait till we get to camp. Off to the ferry then to Bamarga for some supplies. We camped at Loyalty Beach (they can’t get rid of us now). What a great spot right on the beach. Had those couple of drinks, hot shower good feed and called it a day.
Would we do the track again, definatly.
Would we tow a trailer, proberbly not.
As much as you can
As far as you can
As long as you can
Life's not meant to be lived in one place
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