from here to there and back again 1

Thursday, Jul 03, 2014 at 09:05


1st July

Finally we got packed up and headed north for Balladonia, we left home around 11am and arrived at our first camping spot 80km east of Balladonia Roadhouse, great fire nice dinner and even some birthday cake, thanks to Gill. Some homework completed, I think I’ll be learning a thing or two. Beautiful evening not a breath of wind, no clouds and a quiet highway. A little worn out so early to bed and ready for what tomorrow will bring.

2nd July

Today we said good bye to the black top as we headed north through Rawlinna Station up to Rawlinna Siding on the trans line and excellent phone coverage but that will be gone tomorrow as we head up the Connie Sue Highway. The road through the station was pretty good and the station itself was really beautiful. All the lovely old stone buildings and very neat and tidy. (We had to call through the shearing shed as Wal is a shearer.) We set up camp in “The Rawlinna Muster” Camp Grounds and got the kids into some school work. There was a bit more of a breeze tonight but no cloud.
Have been trying to up load photos but have had no luck, if anyone has any tips that would be much appreciated. Cheers.
As much as you can
As far as you can
As long as you can
Life's not meant to be lived in one place
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