Copeton Waters Park day 2

Tuesday, Oct 29, 2013 at 20:35


Today was spent exploring the Park at Copeton Waters, the weather forecast was a bit ominous and late in the afternoon we had a thunderstorm. There are a large number of camping areas some in amongst trees and some on grassed areas. The whole area is geared towards fishing and the fishermen all seemed to be catching lots of fish. The type most common is “Yellow Belly” a type of perch. Its “Tinie” heaven I’ve never seen so many in one area all with the electric motors so they can sneak up on the fish.
The main caravan and cabin area is close to the entry gate and the children’s play area. This area has power and treated water for the cabins and the powered caravan sites. The second caravan powered site area has amenities including a laundry but the water is untreated and comes straight out of the lake. The advantage of this area is that is is away from the crowds.
There are areas in and around the park set aside for day visitors and the rest is available for camping, some with amenities and some without.
Everything was is good condition and the amenities were spotless in the second caravan powered site area where we were.
When the thunderstorm blew in the lake almost has surf.

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