Simpson Day 17

Thursday, Aug 01, 2013 at 21:40


2013-07-30 Day 17, Coober Pedy to Muloorina (Marree)

9 am departure. We bid Les farewell for a few days. He is sticking to the black top and dropping in to Woomera on the way south. He has never been there but has been to most places on our route for the next few days.

Morning tea was at William Creek, then a longer stopover at Strangways. I have been past here a couple of times before but have never been aware of this place. We need to come back and explore this old collection of buildings and natural springs when more time is available. Lunch was at Coward Springs. This location has a privately owned and run camp ground which is exceptionally well maintained. Anyone who begrudges the $2 to enter the camp ground as a day visitor and use the facilities, well they don't deserve good facilities.

A little further on we visited the “The Bubbles” and “Blanche Cup” springs, natural springs fed from the artesian basin. Both have new board walks which were not there when I last visited 18 months ago.

Curdimurka railway siding was worth the stop, but with a fair distance still to travel today we could not stay long. A little further on we had too short a stop at both the Lake Eyre South lookout and at Plane Henge, before refuelling at Marree.

Another 50 km drive north in fading light saw us arrive at Muloorina, a good camp site beside a small lake or billabong, and our camp site for tonight. Tomorrow we head further north to the southern end of Lake Eyre North before retracing our steps to Marree.
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