Simpson Day 3

Tuesday, Jul 16, 2013 at 21:13


Day 3
Broken Hill, clocks half an hour back for local time, refuel, some of us needed to purchase our Desert Passes for our passages into South Australian parks. Damian is having lots of problems with his fridge – excessive current causing drain blown fuses yesterday morning and a flat battery this morning.
10:30 say us departing the information centre (half an hour later than planned) with Les as trip leader today. We headed up the Silver City Highway – mostly sealed but still with many unsealed sections. The unsealed sections are generally good quality and very wide, making passing the occasional road train quite easy. Immediately after rain, however, could make them troublesome.

Lunch was at a little rest spot just past Packsaddle roadhouse.

This would not be a good road to be travelling at night – judging by the significant amount of road kill, including a cat, an emu, and lots of roos.

We stopped on a high ridge where we could see Cobham Lake to the west, with lots of water, and a much larger dry (unnamed) salt lake to the east.

Further north we took a 1 km detour into the Milparinka ghost town. There was plenty to see and explore, but time was against us.

Our destination for today was Tibooburra - population 150 so quite sizeable. Two fuel outlets, one had no unleaded until the tanker came in tomorrow, so we had to refuel at the other. Happiness is when your choice is no choice at all. The two diesels in the party, however, had to choose.

5:30 saw us at the Dead Horse Gully campground in the Sturt National Park, just a few km out of town. No files allowed but good facilities including barbecues.
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