Simpson Day 16

Monday, Jul 29, 2013 at 22:13


2013-07-29 Day 16, Monday, Coober Pedy—Rest Day
A very quiet morning. Jan slept most of the morning, Martin has ditched the tent and taken a bunk with Bev and Stephen (for a variety of reasons). Others went shopping or sight-seeing in town, or otherwise relaxed.

Les (in the Brumby) and Jamie arrived around 2 pm, having dropped in at the Breakaways on the way through. They too have taken a cabin for the night.

Late this afternoon Peter and Jean, Damian and Martin, and Jan and I went out to the Breakaways. They are indeed quite spectacular, and certainly at their best early morning or late afternoon with side illumination by the sun. But are they better than the Painted Desert? Jan thinks not.

We all went out to dinner this evening to an underground restaurant, ten of us; it was great having everyone back together again. (Only Jessica was missing, but her early departure was pre-planned as she only had two weeks holiday while the rest of us have three.) A most enjoyable evening, and more so because the restaurant provided a minibus to pick us up and deliver us back to the caravan park, allowing us to imbibe more that we would otherwise be able to.
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